Oct 1, 2013 18:51:09 GMT
Katya Avatar
homeless bum
109 posts

Post by Katya on Oct 1, 2013 18:51:09 GMT

Blackthorn Assets

WEALTH. They have enough to get by, but a great deal of money is being spent on the upcoming tournament.
●○ 1/2

INFLUENCE. Dragons = power.
●● 2/2

MORALE. Duty is the driving force behind House Blackthorn.
●● 2/2

ARMY. Their normal army is basically a bunch of dragon riders in training. It's not much at all.
●● 2/2

LAND. As proud as they are of Dragon's Den, it's not exactly a huge plot of land.
● 1/1

PEOPLE. Not very populous, but the people that do live there prefer Blackthorn's spartan lifestyle.
● 1/1

FOOD. There's not that many mouths to feed anyway.
● 1/1

TECH. They have some basics, most of it relating to anti- anti-aircraft technology.
● 1/1

CULTURE. Some of them write poetry. Some of it's even good poetry.
●● 2/2

DUTY. A duty point may be spent as Wealth, Influence, or Morale. Your Dragon Rider asset can never fall below your max Duty level. Unspent duty points become dragon riders for the next book. Locked.
●●● 3/3

DRAGON RIDERS. Dragon riders are a highly dangerous, highly mobile army. Dragon rider points can be used an unlimited number of times per book. However, no more than the full value can be actively participating in ongoing battles at one time. If five points are in play, you must wait for a battle to end before deploying elsewhere. Dragon riders may still be lost and destroyed like other assets.
●●●●● 5/5
Wealth 1/2
Influence 2/2
Morale 2/2
Army 2/2
Land 1/1
People 1/1
Food 1/1
Tech 1/1
Culture 2/2
Duty 3/3
Dragon Riders 5/5


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