Oct 3, 2013 13:45:17 GMT
Katya Avatar
homeless bum
109 posts

Post by Katya on Oct 3, 2013 13:45:17 GMT

Mistralton Assets

WEALTH. It wasn't always this way for Mistralton.
●●●●●● 6/6

INFLUENCE. The nouveau riche may be wealthy, but respect is harder to earn than money.
● 1/1

MORALE. I don't care/I'm still free/you can't take the sky from me.
●●●●● 5/5

ARMY. Their footsoldier ranks are limited. Instead, they focus on fighter jets.
●● 2/2

LAND. Who needs land when you've got endless sky?
●● 2/2

PEOPLE. As the Unova house with then least land, they also have the least people.
●●● 3/3

FOOD. Mistralton isn't starving, but they're not agricultural kings.
●● 2/2

TECH. The best engineers and architects in the world are good for something.
●●●●●●● 7/7

CULTURE. Aviators are all the craze.
●●● 3/3

AVIATION. Zeppelins, airliners, cargo transport, and other planes mostly meant for civilian purposes. Points in aviation greatly increase Wealth next book.
●●●● 4/4

AIR FORCE. Fighter jets, stealth bombers, and other planes meant for little more than war. Points in Air Force can be used as Army.
●●●● 4/4
Wealth 6/6
Influence 1/1
Morale 5/5
Army 2/2
Land 2/2
People 3/3
Food 2/2
Tech 7/7
Culture 3/3
Aviation 4/4
Air Force 4/4


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